If you have a question or are experiencing a technical problem, we recommend you read through the following Frequently Asked Questions.

If your question remains unanswered or if you would like to offer your feedback or suggestions, you can contact us at the bottom of this page. We'll do everything we can to make sure we address your issue.
Click on a question to reveal its response:
What Mac OS X Versions does ZipTite run on?
When I download ZipTite my Mac tells me the ZipTite dmg is corrupt. What can I do?
When I try to register ZipTite it says my Registration Code is Invalid. What do I do?
I misplaced my ZipTite Registration Code. How can I recover it?
I have a Feature Request. Can I submit it?
If after reading through our Frequently Asked Questions you still have an unresolved issue, please contact us and we will work with you to resolve it: